Carla Ramsdell
Apr 30, 2019
A look back at the history of our greenhouse gases - CO2 over 800,000 years!
Spoiler… This blog post has no recipe. It is a short intermission from all food-focused entries to show a graph I think every human...

Carla Ramsdell
Apr 23, 2019
Reduce Food Waste - More impact on reducing global warming than solar or hydro power!
Happy Earth Day! We have only one planet but 7 billions people who can protect it! Spring is a perfect time to start preparing for our...

Carla Ramsdell
Nov 15, 2018
Free online interactive book explaining the connections between climate change and our food system.
Kudos to The Center for Ecoliteracy for producing this great educational tool explaining the connections between our food system and...

Carla Ramsdell
Apr 7, 2018
My TEDx Talk: Take Back Cooking - A Delicious Climate Change Solution
Here's a link to the talk I did at this year's TEDx Appalachian State event. I shared my passion to "Take Back Cooking" to help feed us...

Carla Ramsdell
Jul 1, 2017
Check out this New York Times article, including my climate curriculum.
Huge thanks to Amy Harmon of the New York Times for bringing attention to the importance of teaching climate change from a broad range of...